The Judges Committee has awarded this submission EXCELLENCE IN MENTAL HEALTH DESIGN
DELUSION is the solution, an app made to help teenagers improve their mental health by having a calendar for organization and keeping anxiety out.
It also has calls with volunteers to help with your problems, but if you like something more professional you can make video calls with dedicated professionals on the subject to help you.
Delusion arose thanks to a school work and technology project in which we have to make a website or an app to solve common problems of adolescents.
The topic we chose for the app is mental problems for adolescents such as anxiety, depression, among other problems that are currently common in adolescence.
More than 20% of the adolescent population has mental problems, and some cannot afford a psychologist or a therapist to have peace of mind, that is why we created DELUSION.
We made a sketch in the notebook of our idea of how to make the app
and we drew what the details would be like.
The only materials we used during our project process were an idea map with cardboard, black markers and post-tist, and the figma application which had all the necessary materials for our project to be successful.
Delusion can give you a hand with: Calls with free volunteers. And also with professionals Pay monthly
It is an app where you can find volunteer health professionals and paid professionals
Our prototype includes
-A calendar
-Free video calling option
-More professional video calls with a fair price
-Attention with volunteer professionals
-Information about our project in the app

The obstacles we had in our application process were the tools included in figma, they were somewhat complicated to understand but fortunately we were able to overcome our obstacles and achieve a nice result while learning new skills with the figma tool
We want to continue improving our prototype so that in the future we can implement and develop the app and thus be able to help people with mental problems.
Our goal is to develop a simple app with the concept of having a companion in your pocket.
research and discussion with our classmates
Nowadays there is a need to take mental health as a priority, as it is becoming a key component in people's lives. This project adjusts the innovative approach in terms of providing not only the necessary tools to face the sitaution but also humanizing the idea of not being alone and pursuing help as needed. Documenting process was neat and organized and it provides appealing desing. Friendly user interface. I would recommend to partner with the psycology deparment of your school to provide more specific steps when the time comes to test the app. Amazing project for the benefit of our next generation.