Middle School

The project that I chose does have a problem. The idea of it is to raise awareness for the exctinction of parrots in the world. My solution is to make people inspired by the drawing and stop killing parrots

 I made a sustainable neighborhood, because we need to make neighborhoods more sustainable. I made a example of a sustainable neighborhood. It shows how neighborhoods can be more sustainable.


Our question was: what can we do to make a sustainable neighborhood? We built a sustainable neighborhood in Minecraft by combining my, M's, and H's improvements into one neighborhood.

Well In this project I made a website about the NSK-HAvfarm, A breathtaking farming innovation for the fishing industry. Apart from the website I have created a model of the machine in Minecraft. 

What i did was a catapult that took lot of effort because i had to do it in multiply classes. And i think in turned out very nice and good and it would be very intresting to explain how we made it.

I did this project with 4 people total (counting me) and we made a soccer fiel in Brazil recreating the Favela. At first we wanted to make a house but later changed our minds.

Our prototype is called beep beep, a prototype for an app that serves to try to improve driver safety, showing routes where there are not many cars or areas where there are usually accidents with beep beep we seek to reduce traffic problems such as collisions and traffic jams.


Our project was all about fighting plastic pollution. Every time I visited Costanera, a riverfront in Paraguay, I saw so much plastic litter, and it bothered me. So, I decided to do something about it. We collected plastic bottles and turned them into art. It was fantastic to see how being creative could help keep the environment and animals clean and safe.

We did a volcano that erupts, this are the steps: first of all you are going to to the market and buy a big coke then after picking that you wanna get mentos. after while get some carboard and put it up of the coke and for last open the coken and put a mentos after 2 seconds it will explode.

How can we make a bridge using only on material and my own mind without any glue or tape? We created the leonardo da vinci bridge to show our ideas on making efficient things that have very creative concepts that can help on further experiments.


The question that I had my project was how could I represent in a model a sustainable neighborhood that included a dedicated area for plant growth, recycling bines, and bike lanes. 

My question with this project was: How can I build a bridge out of popsicle sticks without using any adhesive materials? I then had to try to reach the perfect balance between all the sticks in order to get the bridge to stand.

I wanted to learn how to code in Java. Because I was getting bored with all of the normal block coding and I wanted to go deeper in my coding skills.

I did a cool bow and arrow made out paperclips and the arrow also made from paper clips. And it shoots really far like 20 meters.

I created a car. This car can glide across the room when you push it off the table. 

I made a catapult with organic materials that can be found in your house or pretty much everywhere.

I did a soccer feild. It was made out of cardboard. I did it with my two friends. It took i think 3 days.

I made a website about everything I did on steam. It even has some descriptions on how and why I did it.

My project is about a portable filter that can separate different heterogeneous mixtures  in order to seperate mixtures 

How can i make a proyect that represent something special? the painting will be about paraguay. It will show lapacho en paseo de la galeria representing our country. 

In my project, I designed my dream house using drawings and models. I researched different architectural styles and features to include in my design.

Me and my friend wanted to do a castle for our steam project. This project consists in building something made out of recycle materials. We started by grabbing a big box, and started cutting out the windows and the door, we also made an entrance.

Our project was a catapult. We wanted to do this because we thought it would be fun. By making a catapult, we would create something to help with transportation and fun at home.

My proyect is a soccer trothy, the questions I did where if the trothy will be a good trothy or that will support all the things that will have. But thene I see how the trothy could be.

In this project I will be talking about a rc car that was build with other scraps of left over rc cars and some controls that we found in steam. this car can get up to 100rpm ( 100 rotation per secnd) this was one of my bigest proyectos ever.


My friend and i did a project of a lamp.We first found some plastic bottles and split them in half. Later we wrapped them in yarn and inserted a light in with a little bit of help.We really loved working on this creative and original project in this quarter.


first my partner and me researched what projects we could do with plastic bottles, we decided to do a lamp with bottles, we decided to separate the work and she will rap the cut into bottles with yarn, and I will do all the electricity, we tried it on school, and it magicaly worked

Our project was a monopoly game that was based in the movies and series of books The Hunger Games, in the game you could choose your player, with more or less power, and you will try to gain or lose advantages through the several challenges and quests. In this game you will be able to dive into the Dystopian world of Panem. 


My main problem to fix is unsustainability and pollution. My project is a model in minecraft of a sustainable city idea, this city shows electric cars, community hospitals, free apartments for the homeless and so much more. Our development also has small details all over it, like free food fridges and free libraries(Take a book, leave a book!).

My Project is a Volcano explosion that I made just creating things, for example I used cardboard mixed with glue and water and that’s how I made my dough so that I could then make the form of the volcano with a bottle in the middle wich will contain the mixture so that it explodes. This idea was a mix of science and steam.

I did a catapult for kids to play and have fun, you can throw this very far but being careful always.

I think I am gonna do a proyect about a soccer court made of cardboard 

My Project was a sustainable neighborhood. First I put some recycling bins all around the neighborhood, I did it to help the environment and reduce pollution.

The first thing I did was brainstorm of ideas and reasons public transportation is not good in Paraguay . After this I did a rough draft of that essay with all the reasons and references and then I did final draft in a web site.

My problem is that there is a lot of litter in paraguay and whe vistors form otrher contries come and visti its usally very dirty and looks very ugly and it just gives the vibe like paraguay is a very dirty place on top of that trash is very ihigenic and can get sick from trash laying around and i think tahts very bad 

I will be showcasing my google sites. My question throught the year was: How can I showcase my developement in steam? I chose this project to showcase because it is not just one project but many; it shows how ive changed in the last year and how my ideas evolved.

My question was if fish really need fins as are they necessary for everyday

My project is going to be an airplane. It’s big so you can pretend to be a plane because you can put it on your body.

What I did was a site that waas very good. What I did was create things in VexR . This project was really good because I took my time and I did it really nice and neet.

Our problem (or question if you will) was how do we make a Table top role-playing game that can correctly portray and influence our cause (How the world would look like in a dystopian future with war and destruction. Humanity is slowly going towards that, And If we influence enough people it might slow down the inevitable for at least a bit.

Having a regular lock has many disadvantages, such as needing the physical key to enter, the risk of losing your keys, and the possibility of the key being copied. However, with our technological lock, you can have more freedom to control and enable access to your home, providing enhanced security."


Our problem is that there's always a queue at our school cafeteria, and many students end up not eating due to the long lines. Our project is called "Delicias del Sol - The Hungry Corner!" Our solution was to create a prototype of an app to pre-order your meal a day in advance, thus avoiding these long lines and allowing everyone to have their snack on time.


How can I make a lego plane that has every single function so it looks like a realistic one and make improvements? What could the improvements be? 

Akkam seeks to solve the social problem of the lack of friends and its difficult search for a sector of society with simplicity and tools that are familiar to that sector.

What I did was a rocket just out of cardboard. I also used other recources like tape and plastic but most of it is from cardboard.


I just joined the robotics club and I have had a lot to learn about building a robot. At that time the robot theme was battle bots, so i made a design perfect for fighting other bots the ram. This can push any bot off the table winning the match

The main problem we want to address is data theft, espionage, and the use of social networks. The application prevents children from accessing unsafe applications, protects personal data, and creates another email in case they are in a dangerous application.

We had the idea of creating an app for people with disabilities who need constant help to navigate the internet. The solution we provide is an application that adapts this person's cell phone to adjust it to their required needs.


We made 3-D printed braille bricks for blind kids. As a group, we figured that there is a lack of inclusive toys, so we decided to create our own bricks using the 3-D printer.

Our project seeks for children to learn English easily and quickly with a videogame called Happy Robot that is very easy to understand


I made cheesecake stuffed chocolate chip cookies. I had to adapt a recipe form the US using ingredients and measurements here in Paraguay.

The project I want to present is called the paper table project. This project tackles the question of environmentally sustainable building a table this is important because when somone is building a table with non-environemntal materials they wast a lot of time and resources and when they build it with paper the project and be redone many times my results where that you can build it out of paper and still save cost and help the environment.

The problem we identified is that carrying too many materials or heavy backpacks causes back, shoulder, neck pain, and poor posture. To avoid these issues, we created a virtual notebook, the application is called CDS WEB. You have an account with all your subjects, and every time you click on a subject, a new sheet is added. This means instead of carrying 11 notebooks and a pencil case, you only need to bring a device like a computer or tablet. We believe this will have a positive impact on high school students and teachers.


Our prototype is an application called SAFE DRIVE. We chose traffic as the problem because some traffic lights only allow about 4 or 3 cars to pass and then turn red, causing people to arrive late to places. For our solution, we decided to create an app so that people who use their cell phones while driving know when the traffic light is green or red and when a traffic light is not functioning.

 in my science project i compared a cheap and a expensive product to test and to compare the two solutions and the conclusion that we came was that each one is better in their own things


My project is a pool table made out of sustainable materials and recycled materials. This material is great because we took the time and effort needed to get this project done. 

I did a project based on we had to get inspred on smoething or create a world. So we created a 3D model of Springfield, the world of the simpsons.

I did a sysmograph with cardboard 

The earth is dying.

Our project focuses on rescuing stray dogs.

We made a remote controlled robot. We learned how to build a robot from scratch using the tetrix robotics kit.


The Joy Piggy Bank is a project I made to save money and, at the same time, to reuse materials. I did it because I was thinking about saving.

"The Wheel of Fortune" is the name of the project we did to test our ability to build a wheel with simple materials.


The name of our device is a homemade water filter, as its name indicates, it is a filter which seeks to solve the water shortage that will arrive at some point and that there may be more easily accessible and slightly cheaper solutions. What we hope to achieve with our project is to filter water easily and we try to make a change and at the same time show how easy and beneficial it can be with materials that can be found in your home.

Our solution is to create a website where there will be all the necessary information so that others can understand and help - if necessary - people with special abilities. It contains varied resources, guides and will also help architects and engineers when choosing, designing and planning more accessible and tolerant structures and homes for people who live their daily lives differently than others.

For my Project, I made a 3D shark made out of cardboard, which was articulated so it would separate and move around with its body parts: the head and tail. This articulated shark would be connected together by a clip; since it was metal and could bend, it would not separate, and it would be able to move around easily. Extra details were added like fins, teeth and eyes to make the shark look realistic.

The question was that if I could build a mini bridge with popsicle sticks. The solution that came was the I could build a popsicle stick bridge but the cons was that it takes a lot of time and patience. Now that I finished this project I learned more about patience and creativity. 

I made a lego robot. The robot is not the main part though the main part was the controlling system. I made a video game console type thing to control the 4 wheels that my robot had. I did this by combining 2 ev3 bricks and making special parts to be able to click all buttons at once.

I did a map of Brawl Stars because I play a lot of it so I wanted to recreate a good map.