High School

 My project for the expo is an alarm that not only makes waking up easier, but sleeping better and falling asleep smoother. My problem is for night shift workers that need a device that will help them with sleep to keep performing well. 


To create the chess board with curves and pieces inspired by the Divine Comedy, we first designed the models of the pieces using symbolic elements from Dante's work. Next, I implemented a curve in the board to reflect a surreal aesthetic. The results were a unique chess board, creating a visually striking and thematically interesting experience.

Would you like to learn more about the paraguayan culture through the videogames?

We created a videogame about the paraguayan culture so that way people can learn in a interesting and fun way.

I made a video explaining the history of the birth and death of archimedes, whcih is a very famous mathmetician, and talked about his history as well as the theories that he invented.

Will autonomous robots be able to effectively and safely engage with health issues?

I introduced my 3 projects that would be good to be presented on Steam Expo. I explained and reasoned for each of the projects.


Question or Problem: How does the stratospheric environment affect soybean seeds at different stages of germination?


A stratospheric balloon payload was developed which included soybean seeds along with sensors for temperature, humidity, UV rays, altitude, pressure, and a camera to capture images. It also had an Arduino microcontroller to collect sensor readings and store them on an SD card.


The team conducted several tests on Earth and the results showed that the microcontroller stops working at temperatures below -15°C due to its low thermal resistance. The final stage of the project, which involved observing what happened to the soybean seeds sent into the stratosphere, was not carried out.


Have you ever wondered what happens when architecture meets pastry? That's exactly what I wanted to do, an exploration of the iconic Chenonceau Castle... in cake form! We embark on a journey to unite the realms of food and architecture, with the goal of tempting the taste buds while opening our eyes to the wonders of design. I did my best to ignite a frenzy of creativity, inspiring interdisciplinary collaborations that combined art, culinary artistry and cutting-edge technology. From sculpting marzipan towers to integrating immersive experiences, our cake became more than just a dessert: it became a gateway to a world where imagination knows no limits.


DELUSION is the solution, an app made to help teenagers improve their mental health by having a calendar for organization and keeping anxiety out.

It also has calls with volunteers to help with your problems, but if you like something more professional you can make video calls with dedicated professionals on the subject to help you.

Delusion arose thanks to a school work and technology project in which we have to make a website or an app to solve common problems of adolescents.

The topic we chose for the app is mental problems for adolescents such as anxiety, depression, among other problems that are currently common in adolescence.

GreenWeb Health for your plant, our project seeks to solve the care involved in having plants at home. So we want to create an app for plant care that has a PastoH irrigation device that connects to the app to -Analyze the health of the plant, -Keep the plant moist for longer and the app that -Registration of the health of the plant, and notifies the user.-Manual activation and deactivation of the device.

I designed and implemented a stadium project for Chinatown in San Francisco. The project involved extensive research into the community's needs and preferences, architectural planning, and collaboration with local stakeholders. The main result is a modern, culturally sensitive stadium that serves as a hub for sports, cultural events, and community gatherings, enhancing the vibrancy and identity of Chinatown


How can we implement Arduino and 3D Printing to help the blind?

We developed a product designed specifically for visually impaired people: a cane equipped with an Arduino board on top, a distance sensor and a sound emitter. This cane is able to measure the distance to nearby objects and emit a sound alert to inform the user of their proximity.


The problem we addressed was how to effectively convey the theme of emotional dependency in a short film. To address this, our team put together a synopsis that vividly portrays the protagonist's internal struggles and behaviors regarding the consequences and challenges driven by emotional dependence on another person. The main result is a story that captures the protagonist's intense emotional journey.

Did you know that the fashion industry is the second most pollutant in the world? 

RI Clothess(Reinventing Innovation Clothes) seeks to palliate this by introducing clothes upcycling, a way to practice circular economy. Here we take your old jeans and create new clothes with an amazing sense of style, exclusive for teenagers. We are also projecting an innovative economic model where jeans donors receive a generous discount coupon to buy our products, so all parts get benefits, especially our planet!   

My problem/what I needed to do was choose some type of project from the options that the teacher gave us, and I chose to make a podcast talking about the rounds of the UEFA Champions League where I talk about what happened in each game of this football tournament .

To do this, I had to prepare a script, and then start recording myself speaking, and then add audios so that my podcast is nicer to listen to and more professional.

In addition to providing a reliable source of light in emergency situations, Phoenix Candle also offers additional benefits. Its compact and portable design allows it to be easily taken anywhere, making it a versatile solution for various situations, from sudden blackouts to outdoor activities such as camping or hiking. Also, its durability ensures prolonged use, making it a long-term investment for those who regularly experience power outages. With Phoenix Candle, a comprehensive solution is provided to meet lighting needs in any circumstance, offering peace of mind and security in times of uncertainty.

This is a group project, composed of 5 students from 11th and 12th course. This project aims to give educators the opportunity to use a dynamic tool with younger students, a tool that will potentially enhance their creativity and intellectual abilities in a more engaging and enjoyable way. Tricycles can help kindergarten children up to 5 years with arithmetic, it can enhance coordination and balance, energy discharge, and maximize creativity. By constructing this tricycle, we will be able to demonstrate the improvements that can be achieved in both mental and physical abilities over time. 


We had this question: Is it possible to combine the art of music and electricity?

Thinking this, we assembled a tesla coil, a circuit that creates an electromagnetic field, builds up energy and discharges it as a high voltage electric pulse. By controlling the timing and frequency of this energy we are able to play music. It’s important to point out that we don’t currently have a final prototype on working conditions, we had iterations that managed to generate sound but only at low frequencies and nothing more. And are still working on creating a circuit on a larger scale to function.


We decided to mix arts and technology and created a cardboard puzzle using the laser cut machine and then hand-painted it creatively.