Our project focuses on rescuing stray dogs.
We created the project because we work on day-to-day problems that we live with, and we believe technology can help us find solutions. The problem we want to solve is rescuing dogs that are dying of hunger, thirst, and diseases on the streets because they lack proper treatment. Our solution to this problem is to create a prototype app to raise funds and provide food and shelter for the dogs.
First, we conducted a brainstorm.
2. We researched existing solutions.
3. We conducted solution storms.
4. We began developing the prototype.
5. We created the presentation.
Using Miro (a web tool for group work and whiteboarding), we brainstormed ideas about problems that can be solved with technology. Then we chose one problem and looked for solutions.
On a website called Figma, we created the prototype and designed the screens, including what happens when you touch a specific button and where it leads.
In Canva, we compiled all the information about the app prototype, such as its purpose, what's included in the app, and the creators of the app.
Our prototype is simple: when you enter the page, you have to log in and register the rescued dog, including its breed, age estimation, and your phone number. Then, you'll enter the menu where you'll have three options to interact with. There's also a screen to register as a donor, where you can be a superhero by helping with your donation. It was also challenging to create the prototype as we were just starting to design this type of apps, and we weren't familiar with how screens for applications are designed.

We learned that apps aren't created quickly and that we need to research the problems we want to solve beforehand. Brainstorming sessions can generate many ideas that help solve problems. Also, when we researched existing solutions, we didn't find any apps like our prototype.
We want our prototype to have more screens, such as one for marking the location of an abandoned dog, screens to locate shelters or veterinary clinics where the dog can be taken, and a screen for people to adopt dogs. We aim to turn our prototype into an app that not only rescues dogs but also rescues any animal.
Some images we added to our prototype were taken from the internet.
This is an excellent foray into real world needs and app prototyping. You clearly defined the problem, went through multiple rounds of design, and ended up on a basic prototype that shows proof of concept. Your next step is to create the app beyond the initial iteration and see how it can truly impact your community.