How can we make a bridge using only on material and my own mind without any glue or tape? We created the leonardo da vinci bridge to show our ideas on making efficient things that have very creative concepts that can help on further experiments.
I did this project because we came upon it on our steam class, and even do i did really choose to do it it was very fun and helpful to reinforce our minds. We were trying to answer the question of how we can complete things that have already been done but in a more efficient and sustainable way which is hard but the time spent pays off.
I developed a solution by investigating the best ways of making a one-material bridge that is sustainable and very strong, in which it can hold basically anything i want. I actually found many videos on the leonardo da vinci concept and that seemed the best way and so based on that i made it myself using information from many videos to make it even easier.
When I finally completed this i found that even with the help i had online it was still very hard to manage to the whole thing, This was because i found out that you have to be very careful with the placement of the sticks since you have nothing to hold it to and no barriers. And sometimes if one sticks moves it can destroy the whole bridge. The prototype works by binding the sticks in different angles like above one stick but under another and doing things repeatedly until you have a full bridge.
My results were important because it shows that us as ASA students can make things that require skill patience and preciseness. I learned that this is something not many people can do and also that there are other things outside in the world that can be done in a simpler but more effective way like this you just have to be dedicated to make a change, just like da vinci.
I could extend this project by either creating my own way on how to make the best bridge out of one material only, or by comparing this concept to many other concepts to get the best ideas possible. I could have improved by making the bridge longer because i feel like it wasn't the fullest it could be. And well for this exact concept and experiment i don't think there was really much of something i could do differently.
Youtube tutorials, books, and previous experiments i have done.
I've seen how frustrating building this type of bridge can be, and I love that you accomplished it! For your next project, I agree it would be interesting to try designing your own bridge that holds together without any glue. That sounds like a great follow-up challenge. Keep it up!