The Judges Committee has awarded this submission EXCELLENCE IN MUSICAL INNOVATION 


We wanted to play the drum and we figured out that this instruments are very expensive, so we decided to make our own electronic drum.


The team wanted to develope a musical instrument in order to learn how to program and enjoy both STEAM and musical knowledgements.


We used a Makey Makey board to make the eva rubber into a real drum components.


The prototype uses a Makey Makey board to replicate de sounds of a real drum. The hardware components (snare, toms, cymbals) were made by eva rubber, having a similar bounce that natural patch does.


The team has learnt how to work as a team, to develope a STEAM project and to create a cheaper DIY drum version.


We have in mind to add more cymbals and toms, in order to get new sounds, enabling the instrument to play other music styles like rock, metal.


All information and mentorship has came from our robotics teacher


Your project to create a musical instrument is super cool! I can see that you and your team love both music and technology, and you've brought them together in a really fun way. I'm so impressed by how you used a Makey Makey board and goma eva to make a drum that sounds just like the real thing! It's awesome how you've made it easy for anyone to try. As you keep working on your drum and adding more sounds, why not write down everything you're doing in a journal? It'll be a great way to remember all the cool stuff you've learned and help you with future projects. You're doing amazing!