The Judges Committee has awarded this submission EXCELLENCE IN MATHEMATICAL REPRESENTATION


Is it possible to learn mathematics using Minecraft Education?

Totally learn math in an exciting and fun way using Minecraft Educatio.

 This game offers a rich and dynamic virtual environment that allows students to explore mathematical concepts in a practical and visually stimulating way.

Imagine learning geometry by building three-dimensional structures, solving area and volume problems, or even exploring concepts of fractions and proportions by dividing and combining blocks. With Minecraft Education, students not only practice math skills, but also develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills as they work as a team to build and solve challenges.

Additionally, educators can personalize the learning experience by creating virtual worlds that fit specific teaching objectives and motivate students to actively participate in their learning process. This can include creating math adventure scenarios, puzzles, or even building competitions that encourage creativity and exploration.


Because it is very necessary to change traditional teaching for innovative one and for this we use a tool that the students know and thus be able to enter the world of 21st century skills, but from the pedagogical approach.


We use content from the math book about the set and from there we use everything related to the educational functions of Minecraft Education.

I leave you the link of the images


I have used this method because I had the following experiences:

Experiential Learning: Minecraft Education offers a virtual environment where students can experience mathematical concepts in practical and tangible ways. This allows them to better understand abstract principles by seeing how they are applied in an interactive and visually stimulating environment.

Intrinsic motivation: The game is naturally engaging for students, which increases their motivation to participate in learning activities. By integrating math into a game context, it becomes more exciting and relevant to them, which encourages greater engagement and participation.

Cognitive Skills Development: Minecraft Education promotes critical thinking, problem solving, and creativity, skills that are essential for mastering mathematics. When faced with challenges within the game, students must apply mathematical concepts to overcome obstacles and achieve goals, strengthening their mathematical understanding and skills.

Learning Personalization: Educators can tailor learning experiences in Minecraft Education to meet individual student needs and align them with specific teaching goals. This allows for more differentiated and student-centered instruction, which increases learning effectiveness.


They are important because through play you can capture the attention of the students and by capturing their attention we can set challenges and riddles. and students can learn best by playing


To be able to expand better, it would be to be able to allow my colleagues to enter the world that I created and thus work collaboratively, because by working several people on the same project we can carry out the project with more time and better.


We were already doing the project a long time ago with my dad, who really likes technology and mathematics.


This is a valuable tool that could be used for many applications and ages of students. It could lead children into all kinds of creative new projects and ideas too, which canhelp put math into context. I look forward to seeing more student projects using minecraft and math in the future!