My project for the expo is an alarm that not only makes waking up easier, but sleeping better and falling asleep smoother. My problem is for night shift workers that need a device that will help them with sleep to keep performing well. 


My question/problem came when I was looking into the future career of nursing. Many nurses need to go through a night shift rotation and this really messes with the brain and sleeping capabilities. Many night shifts workers need a healthier alternative to sleep cycles other than just putting pillows in their windows and praying for sleep. 


I used a circuts bit box for my prototype. I used a temperature sensor and light to create the perfect alarm. 


My prototype worked well, there are so little things that need to be fixed and made better for real life use, but as far as prototpye goes, it was very successful. 


My results are important because it helps with sleep and brain health for all the heros of the night. Night shifts workers literally keep people alive and cities afloat, they deserve to have STEAM projects supporting their health. 


To extend this project would be to take it form prototype to a real working alarm clock. This would take a lot more than just a circuits bit box, but I hope to see this project move forward with more resources. 


I got a lot of the science used to create this idea from Mark Hubberman and his podcast The Hubberman lab. I also was able to create this and try this idea out through my engierneering design class. 


Cool foray in to basic circuitry! It looks like you've discovered the magic of connecting a power source with sensors and outputs, such as lights. You've also clearly defined the problem that this device is trying to make. I would love to see what the next step would look like and how you could model it into a product.