The Judges Committee has awarded this submission EXCELLENCE IN GAME BOARD DESIGN 


To create the chess board with curves and pieces inspired by the Divine Comedy, we first designed the models of the pieces using symbolic elements from Dante's work. Next, I implemented a curve in the board to reflect a surreal aesthetic. The results were a unique chess board, creating a visually striking and thematically interesting experience.


1.I did this project because I wanted to explore the fusion of two art forms: chess and classical literature using mathematics and creativity.

2.The question I was trying to answer was how the game of chess could be reinterpreted through the lens of a literary work.

3.The problem I was trying to solve was how to capture the essence and themes in the design.


First I made several sketches, then I began to plan the processes and took reference measurements to be able to calculate the spaces of the squares I began to see possible solutions to their design problems and alternatives to these, then we began with the elaboration using materials such as cardboard and cutting tools such as cutters in addition to paint and other materials to improve aesthetics.


I discovered simpler and easier ways to develop a project and to do it in the same functional and aesthetic way using exact measurements apart from thinking a little outside the box and mixing very different concepts, our prototype mainly works with pieces that fit together and supports for its curvatures, as a result, We have a creative and functional project but it could be improved in the future with more time and inspiration.


Besides the learning obtained in the development, planning and preparation, really creative and different vision . The results are important because they make us see something familiar and “common” as something new, bringing out a new side. and brilliant, from this project I especially learned about time management, will and teamwork.


To expand the project, we could further refine the designs of the chess pieces to incorporate more specific imagery and symbolism from the Divine Comedy, such as representing different circles of hell, levels of purgatory, and spheres of heaven. Additionally, I was able to explore different materials and techniques to improve the aesthetic appeal and durability of the chess set. Next steps might involve seeking feedback.


I could thank my teachers who helped me in the project, who are teachers Ruth and Celeste, also my classmates such as CL, BM, and DK who helped in the preparation of the project and designing the pieces as in writing the project. Last but not least, We would like to thank the school for the support and work space.


You should be proud of the project submitted! This shows not only dedication but also a great amount of time invested. Keep up the good work. Some people might find it hard to visualize your project so It would be good to make some labels on them guiding the users.