I introduced my 3 projects that would be good to be presented on Steam Expo. I explained and reasoned for each of the projects.


The questions all asked why the project would be good to be in the Expo. And I chose them because I thought they each well represented the each fields of Steam.


I worked with other classmates by communicating. And together, we tried to get the best result that matches the key point of the project. Even though I did some of them individually, I tried my best creating the project by using the materials around me as much as possible.


I found that there are actually many fields of Steam that is in our real life. Also, I have developed my sense and knowledge on them too.


The finished product of my projects are important because they each represents my knowledge and background on Steam fields. And also they are good for introducing what Steam is about. 


I could have done several projects not only individually. Many others have done the project in groups while I did it alone. Social skills are always important which I lack of. If it was done so, I could have made the quality or the quantity more better.


I mostly found them on books, but if needed, I used the internet. Especially for the math project, I used AI in order to make confirmation for the project. This helped a lot.


I enjoyed reviewing your STEAM projects. Your visuals were helpful but I needed a little more information. I do see that you created  two bridge designs and tested the design. I do agree that collaborating can improve a project.That might be a great goal for your next Steam project.Keep up the good work!