My problem/what I needed to do was choose some type of project from the options that the teacher gave us, and I chose to make a podcast talking about the rounds of the UEFA Champions League where I talk about what happened in each game of this football tournament .

To do this, I had to prepare a script, and then start recording myself speaking, and then add audios so that my podcast is nicer to listen to and more professional.


I did this project because I like talking, and also because I love football, and this competition is one of the best and biggest football tournaments in the world.

So that's why I decided to do this project, to try to convey what happened in a game in the way I want, and what I thought about that game and the players.


I created this project by recording my audio in the audio memos app on my cell phone, and then I transferred it to the CapCut app to edit.

In this application, CapCut, I cut out the parts where I was silent, and added audios to make it more entertaining and cool, and also added narrations of the goals so that people can also see from someone else's words what the goal was like.


In my opinion the result was very good, when I reviewed the audio I was very entertained and it turned out the way I wanted.

The apps I used were very good and provided everything I needed to use to make a very good quality podcast.

I also used the Spotify platform to post the podcast, and it was very easy to post and I'm sure many people will listen because it's a very large platform for audios.


My results were important because I discovered that I know how to express myself very well and speak very fluidly, and this will help me when I need to give some type of speech.

I also discovered that I know how to edit audios and videos very well, and this could be very important in the future when I need to edit something online.


What I could do differently from my project could be to expand to talk about a different football competition, such as the Premier League, LaLiga, and talk briefly about the games and who was the best in each game.

You could also improve by trying to use a microphone to make the audio better, and practice what I'm going to say before recording.


I got this idea from a Brazilian YouTube channel called EuroFut, where they talk about curious facts about European football, about what's happening now, and on days when there's a Champions League game, they make a podcast talking about what happened and about who was the best player in each game. My teacher, Cesar Diaz, helped me by giving me ideas and supporting me.


Now that there is a massive wave of people talking about soccer due to the champions' league, this project appears to be an option to the audience, especially when it is coming from the student's perspective. Remember that it is always a good practice to keep track of your progress and show it to potential sponsors to make the experience even more realistic. I believe you do not need too many equipments to start this project however the final quality of audio editing will definitely be enhanced by some specific mics and/or audio editors. Good job!!!