GreenWeb Health for your plant, our project seeks to solve the care involved in having plants at home. So we want to create an app for plant care that has a PastoH irrigation device that connects to the app to -Analyze the health of the plant, -Keep the plant moist for longer and the app that -Registration of the health of the plant, and notifies the user.-Manual activation and deactivation of the device.


We think about climate change and how that affects plants and how it is also important to surround ourselves with vegetation. Many times, due to lack of time or a busy life, they cannot afford to have plants at home or take care of their plants themselves.


The first thing we did was brainstorm problems and solutions in Post Its and then choose one. Afterwards we divided the tasks, for example two of us made the presentation on canvas of all the information about the prototype and our application, and the other part planned our prototype in figma

We started the development of the prototype by entering the figma and looking for some input design for our application then we chose some languages for the application after that we started to design the use part of the application. With that fact we join our inventions to the application for better use of our application. 

We began the development of the prototype, first we made the storyboard using canva, we entered canva and there we put how we started the project, why we chose this topic, etc. And then we designed the machines that can take care of the plants (Irrigate grass) which I think was a good idea. Then in figma we looked for some input design for our application. Then we chose some languages for the application. After that we started to design the application. application usage part. And then we met at a meet and we were improving and completing what we were missing. Then L modified some things and each one did what he was going to say.


"GrassH" A grass with THE DNA of a cactus means a grass that can store water in its leaf like a cactus (for this reason, if you make a cut on the cactus, water comes out). They also have a thicker and longer root so that they do not come out in heavy rain.

But there are also bad things, for example, that the branches are quite fragile, since when you step on them they can break. And it has intelligent irrigation through a sensor that can detect how much water the plant has and can throw water right where the corresponding amount is needed.

The app will have the functions -Record the health of the plant, and notify the user.

-Manual activation and deactivation of the device.


We managed to work on a digital prototype and on the idea or sketch for a device that can be used with the app we want from the prototype.

Making an application takes a process and managing to work on a digital prototype was a challenge.


improve the prototype of the application and also be able to make the prototype for the device given the time we could not work on it


research and discussion with our classmates


GreenWeb Health, presents a promising solution to the challenges of plant care at home. I know I would find this app very useful.  Integrating technology with plant maintenance through an app-controlled irrigation device is both innovative and practical. The features you've outlined, such as analyzing plant health, maintaining moisture levels, and providing notifications to users, is the complete package  to improving the well-being of indoor plants. My advice would be to prioritize user-friendly design and accessibility in both the app and the irrigation device. Keep up the fantastic work in merging technology with environmental stewardship!