Would you like to learn more about the paraguayan culture through the videogames? We created a videogame about the paraguayan culture so that way people can learn in a interesting and fun way.


We created this project to achive a meaningful learning and efficient for younger people and adults to reach a gradual learning process.


First we investigated about our topic and after that we define the roles to efficiently develop the game. Then each person worked at the same time in their area and once the tasks were finished we joined our work.


The game was well accepted but 20% of the children commented that the game was a little bit difficult to pass, the other percent said they could pass it easily. The idea is to create a game according to all ages.


As a result, we saw a good acceptance of the game, the story and that the children were able to learn more about the paraguayan culture throught our game.


If we could change something we would add more mechanics and levels to the game so that way the game is more entertaining.


We got all of our information about the myths from Youtube, ABC Color website and Google. 

JC did all of the concept art and the illustrations for the game. PD created all the game programming. And thogether we searched up the sounds and music.

We would like to give acknowledgment to our teacher OI, for all the support that he gave us.


Wow, what an intriguing project! Using video games as a platform to explore and learn about different cultures is such a creative approach. I'm fascinated by the idea of delving into Paraguayan culture through interactive gameplay. It not only makes learning enjoyable but also immersive.  it might be beneficial to consider implementing different difficulty levels within the game to cater to a wider range of ages and skill levels. This way, younger players or those who find the game challenging can still engage with it comfortably, while more experienced players can enjoy a greater level of difficulty and complexity. Well done!