This is a group project, composed of 5 students from 11th and 12th course. This project aims to give educators the opportunity to use a dynamic tool with younger students, a tool that will potentially enhance their creativity and intellectual abilities in a more engaging and enjoyable way. Tricycles can help kindergarten children up to 5 years with arithmetic, it can enhance coordination and balance, energy discharge, and maximize creativity. By constructing this tricycle, we will be able to demonstrate the improvements that can be achieved in both mental and physical abilities over time. 


First, we saw a chance to be eco-friendly by using the extra wood, while being creative with what we had. Also, we thought that the tricycle would provide a medium where the kindergarten children would develop motor skills and entertain them. Those were our main goals in carrying out this project. 


The project was conceived with the intention of involving all participants. Later, our instructor, Celeste Torres, proposed the construction of a wooden tricycle since there was a lot of leftover wood in our woodshop deposit. In addition, we considered the potential benefits of the tricycle for the children at CJP, who would love the opportunity to use it, and us, because of all the training and learning we would be doing.


The prototype works very well, although we couldn’t finish it all the way yet. However, it can support a 5 year old’s weight. We hope that when we finish all the stages of the creative process, children can try it out and see how much they like it. If after a long time their motor skills improve, that would mean that our project achieved its goal.


With this project we can look for other ways to implement more dynamic activities for the children. We have concluded that there are many ways to express our creativity and use it to help others and even ourselves in the process. One crucial area we should continue to focus on is our time management skills. Through the creative process we learned to use many tools, such as the Rhino program for design, and the jigsaw, circular saw, Japanese saw, among others for cutting, and also how to work with solid wood. 


We could have practiced more with the cutting machines before starting the project, so in the creation process (sketching, cutting and sanding the pieces) it would’ve been easier, faster and neater. Since this project is still in creative development, our next steps are to arm the tricycle with all the pieces already gone through all the finishing phases, such as sanding, painting and assembly. Our final step would be to give it to the children’s teachers and to the children themselves and see how much they like it. 


First of all, my team members and I would like to thank teacher Celeste and Ruth for helping in all the process of making this project. Especially to teacher Celeste for guiding every step, helping us with cutting the wood, and for being there whenever we needed her when there was an issue to solve. We referenced the benefits of making a tricycle from: Nicuesa,M. (2019,14 marzo). 4 beneficios del triciclo en el desarrollo de los niños. El Blog Infantil.


Repurposing extra wood to create a tricycle not only demonstrates your commitment to eco-friendliness but also showcases your creativity in utilizing resources effectively. I'm particularly impressed by your consideration of the developmental needs of kindergarten children, using the tricycle as a tool to enhance their motor skills while providing entertainment. I would suggest considering ways to document and measure the impact of your tricycle project on both environmental sustainability and children's development. This could involve tracking the amount of wood saved from waste, monitoring improvements in motor skills among the kindergarten children, and gathering feedback from teachers or parents. Congratulations on a great project!