My question with this project was: How can I build a bridge out of popsicle sticks without using any adhesive materials? I then had to try to reach the perfect balance between all the sticks in order to get the bridge to stand.


I did the project because it seemed like an interesting idea. I tried to find out if it was possible to get a bridge to stand without using any adhesive material like tape.


I created the project by carefully fitting the popsicle sticks together until they formed the structure of the bridge. I had to be very patient to achieve this.


I found out how tough building a bridge actually is. And I also found out how engineering requires lots of thought before actually building something


This is important because it teaches people to be patient and mindful of what they are doing, instead of just roughly doing something. This is important because it can help people reach more precise results with other tasks. 


I can improve my project by maybe trying to add more popsicle sticks to the bridge and see if I can make the bridge larger. Or I can try and make the bridge out of different materials.


I got the idea to build the bridge from google classroom since it was an assignment, and I found out how to create the bridge by watching a video.


This is a fanstic project.  It highlights the ability to make something spectavular out of simple materials.  This is the key to innovation in that we have the ability to make great things as long as we set our minds to it.  You have created something great it seems, and so now it would be interesting to see the next steps in adding even more materials to make a larger bridge and then test it's durability some way.