The Judges Committee has awarded this submission EXCELLENCE IN SOCIAL AND STRUCTURAL SUSTAINABILITY 


Our question was: what can we do to make a sustainable neighborhood? We built a sustainable neighborhood in Minecraft by combining my, M's, and H's improvements into one neighborhood.


We did this project to help the world by making a sustainable neighborhood. So then we can live better and longer, and also improve people's quality of life.


We created our project in Minecraft by combining my, Martin's, and Horacio's improvements into one big neighborhood in Minecraft. We also added details and extra things to make our project the best.


We discovered that a neighborhood could be sustainable by combining everybody's improvements into one neighborhood. We found out that the best life is what we made in Minecraft.


Our results are important because with our results we can determine what can be a model for a sustainable neighborhood in the future. We also found out that with all the improvements that our team made, a neighborhood can be really good.


We can extend our project by adding even more stuff. These can include adding even more detailed roads, sewage systems and buildings.


We got our information from our own minds.


Great job simulating a sustainable neighborhood! Cooperation is a key component at the time to build a new life based on the resources you have around and Minecraft provides you with the necessary tools to explore and get the most of it. I would also recommend keeping track of your progress as well as providing enough evidence so later on can be used to apply in real life if needed.