I will be showcasing my google sites. My question throught the year was: How can I showcase my developement in steam? I chose this project to showcase because it is not just one project but many; it shows how ive changed in the last year and how my ideas evolved.


Ive tried to answer the question: How can I showcase my developement in steam? I did this by putting all my project from the past year into one google sites so not only can I see it but everybody.


I created a google sites and decorated it to look visualy pleasing. And I proceeded to input all of my projects into the sites.


In the past year Ive learnt alot, not just about steam, but also about my self. Ive learnt that steam isnt an easy subject and takes dedication. I learnt that I might not like doing somethingbut in the end I will love it, thats why I like steam and thats why I feel proud o showcase my project.


The projects Ive made showcase that you should never give up. I used to be unaverage in steam and I never liked the subjedct as I wasnt good at it; now im proud and I can show everybody how much you can evolve in such a short amount of time.


I think I couldve decoratec my sites and the other projects ive made better. I also could have used higher quality materials.


I obtained most of my ideas from google as many sites are blocked on the asa wifi, but when I was at home I would get higher quality photos and ideas from pinterest. Id like to thank my friends for all the good ideas thexve given me throughout the year and my steam teacher for handling our class so well, and making it possible for us to make these projects.


Your Google Sites project is an excellent way to showcase your development in STEAM throughout the year. By choosing this format, you have effectively highlighted not just a single project, but the evolution of your skills, ideas, and creativity over time. This comprehensive approach allows others to see your progress and the variety of projects you've undertaken. It's a wonderful reflection of your growth and dedication to STEAM. Great job on creating such an informative and well-organized presentation of your journey!