The Judges Committee has awarded this submission EXCELLENCE IN CULINARY SCIENCEĀ 


I made cheesecake stuffed chocolate chip cookies. I had to adapt a recipe form the US using ingredients and measurements here in Paraguay.


The recipe looked delicious and I love to bake so I decide to try it out and see if it would work here.


I found a recipe online for cheesecake stuffed chocolate chip cookies. We had to take a few things into consideration. One the day that we had all the ingredients prepared and ready to go, it was very hot so we had to maneuver the butter and cream cheese very carefully so that it would just turn into globs of batter. Then we also had to modify measurements for ingredients especially for the sugar because sugar grains are bigger here. I made a cookie batter and a cream cheese mixture and then we rolled each of those into balls and put the cheese balls into the cookie dough.


The cookies turned out delicious! All of my friend and family loved them.


This was a fun experiment that i could only hope would work and it did! It was extremely delicious and it gives me more ideas for the future.


I would like to try more recipes similar to these. I really like the mixing of batters part of it so I might try to make a brookie next.


I also give acknowledgements to all my friends and family for liking my cookies.


My mouth is watering. Your cookies look delicious! Your step-by-step pictures really gave me a clear idea of the cooking making process. Thank you! I also commend your good attention to detail, taking into account the temperature and sugar crystal size.These details are what made your cookie a success.I noticed you used an airfryer to bake your cookies.I wonder what the differences would be between the airfryer and the oven? Good luck with your next cooking experiment!