My Project was a sustainable neighborhood. First I put some recycling bins all around the neighborhood, I did it to help the environment and reduce pollution.


I did this project because it was for a social studies project. I took time to make and also a lot of effort. I was trying to solve the problem of people throwing away their garbage on the street.


We made a project in which we added recycling bins showing that the people there recycle. We used cardboard, toilet paper roll, tape, color markers, and scissors. We also added many plants and a lake showing that there is life in the city.


I learned that it’s important to take care of the environment and also to take care of my neighborhood. It’s important cus it can effect the environment and also the people living in it.


It can be an inspiration for people because my project shows of how to take care of the environment and a neighborhood. It doesn’t take that long or effort to take care of your neighborhood.


I could’ve explained more about how people throw their trash onto the street and other places like rivers, lakes, forests. Also of how they can help reduce the amount of trash.


Someone gave me the idea to creat this project and also my teacher.


Your sustainable neighborhood model is amazing! Incorporating recycling bins throughout the model shows your dedication to environmental responsibility and pollution reduction. Additionally, discussing these topics with others is important to raise awareness and inspire action. As you continue to develop your model, consider exploring other eco-friendly features, such as green spaces or renewable energy sources, to further enhance its sustainability. Perhaps you could even create a model or display showcasing the design of the trash cans, or use real-life models, to illustrate their impact on the neighborhood's sustainability. Keep up the great work!