Our project was a catapult. We wanted to do this because we thought it would be fun. By making a catapult, we would create something to help with transportation and fun at home.


We did this because we wanted to have fun creating something. As we were thinking about making a catapult, we considered adding wheels and making it move. However, we were unable to accomplish this. Perhaps in the future, our creation could be useful to someone.


We found a website that explained one of the versions of the ctapulst that we liked. Then we followed those instructions and created the catapult.


Our prototype functions by pulling down the top and then releasing it, which causes the object to be thrown. Initially, when we created it, it broke upon pulling it down. However, we redesigned it and the second version worked much better than the first. During our research, we came across a website that provided helpful pictures and videos in building a well-functioning catapult.


It is important because it could help with construction or just plain fun. the way it works is just as important as the building process or size or materials its made of.


Now we would like to try to make more and see how we can improve it and get it into a construction site or something. We would like to make more projects like this.



I'm really impressed by your project to create a catapult. It sounds like a lot of fun! Even though you couldn't add wheels to make it move this time, the fact that you thought about it shows creativity. Finding instructions on a website and following them to build your catapult was a great idea. It sounds like you learned a lot from the process, especially when you had to redesign it after it broke the first time. In the future you could create an aiming game to play with your classmates and friends, the person who get closer to the target, wins. Remember that throwing a ball or objects can be dangerous, so make sure to set some safety rules before engaging in this activity. Loved your project! Keep having fun while creating new things!