The Judges Committee has awarded this submission EXCELLENCE IN BATTLEBOTS DEVELOPMENT 


I just joined the robotics club and I have had a lot to learn about building a robot. At that time the robot theme was battle bots, so i made a design perfect for fighting other bots the ram. This can push any bot off the table winning the match


I made this project because I joined the robotics team and wanted to make a battle bot strong enough to beat all the other more advanced battle bot.


I created my robot by adding four motors. Two for wheels and two for weapons and adding this with the lego exoskeleton makes it heavy but fast.  


I found out the the two most powerful weapons for a robot are a bulldozer made for flipping even the most heavy robots. And a flipper for flipping other robots on their side.


the results are important because it will prepare me for next years robotics and I learned that to win you need to think smarter not harder


I want to expand my project by taking the ram ability and use it in the next theme underwater . And I could've improved the project by making it heavier and more easy to bulldoze other heavier robots


I got my ideas from mr Sheldon, who had the idea to bulldoze other bots but to also be able to flip them and smash them, 


It is inspiring to see how you have applied your newly acquired knowledge in the robotics club to create a robot that challenges others. The fact that you are thinking about how to improve and apply what you have learned in future projects shows a continued commitment to learning and growth in the field of robotics. As you continue to develop your project and participate in robotics competitions, consider optimizing your robot desing.