The Judges Committee has awarded this submission EXCELLENCE IN INNOVATION IN SUSTAINABLE DECORATIVE DESIGN  


first my partner and me researched what projects we could do with plastic bottles, we decided to do a lamp with bottles, we decided to separate the work and she will rap the cut into bottles with yarn, and I will do all the electricity, we tried it on school, and it magicaly worked


My question was, how can electricity and plastic come together without any disasters


I searched a lot on the internet and found three or four things that could be possible for my project. I decided to make a lamp with recycled plastic bottles and a few cables and light bulbs thrown in my garage. I used that thing to create this amazing lamp,


My project works with three simple cables. I cut the points, and it made two separate mini cables in each of the six points. I unified them and installed the bottles and programmed the light bulbs, and it all fit and worked


i learn so much of this project not only the engineering part but also how to create your design, i learned how to split work to each one with the things they are mor capable of, this means a lot for me because its my first time including electricity in a steam project. 


If I could I would buy more elegant cables and light bulbs, I would improve my project by using more elegant stuff and better materials, I would also decorate my project with more time


the internet supported me a lot and my classmates also


This is a great example of curiosity and engineering coming together. I can really understand your creation process as well as how you learning through the experience. It's clear that you expanded your knowledge of circuitry and upcycling. Well done! I would love to see how you could take this to the next level and possible make models you could sell at a fair.