Well In this project I made a website about the NSK-HAvfarm, A breathtaking farming innovation for the fishing industry. Apart from the website I have created a model of the machine in Minecraft. 


I did this project as part as an assignment. In this project I had to look up a farming innovations, then I would choose one I liked and research it.


Well I created my project through Minecraft, a video game in which you can create anything you want. Then I presented My project through google sites. 


Well I discovered a lot about this new innovation and the future plans people have for it. This machine has been created by Norwegian scientist who look forward to a sustainable way to farm fish. This is why the NSK HAVfarm was created.


Well my results are important since this is an innovation that is still being developed by scientist. From what I know, this machine has brought prosperity to Norway, accounting for a large portion of fish meat exported. Maybe we can recreate these machines in other countries to also help them develop.


Well I could extend my project by looking up for information about the NSK-HAVfarm and how is its development growing. The last time I checked for info about this project was half a year ago and I can assure you that the invention has had some changes.


Well I got most of my information from official Norwegian sites. I also saw many videos showing the infrastructure of the boat and I used google to search up complicated ship vocabulary words I didn’t understand.


This project shows me that there are amazing things happening all around the world. I have never heard of the NSK HAVfarm and your introduction through Minecraft is such a cool way of sharing this. I would love to see more images and visuals of your model next time!