The Judges Committee has awarded this submission 


We made 3-D printed braille bricks for blind kids. As a group, we figured that there is a lack of inclusive toys, so we decided to create our own bricks using the 3-D printer.


We made this project because we wanted to increase the inclusivity towards blind kids, especially when it comes to games and entertainment. 


First, we looked up the braille numbers and decided that our bricks will feature numbers. Then, we went to tinkercad and designed the bricks, once we finished our designs, we set the printer using flashprint and finally waited patiently for the printings.


We find out that we could make really useful things with the 3D printer, the prototype works excellently since it has friendly features to blind kids.


We can conclude that in order to make inclusive toys, you have to research WHAT would make your toy inclusive, in our case, the bricks had to feature braille numbers that were at a certain height in order to be understandable by touch. 


Given the time frame, the next step is extend the numbers and braille bricks since our prototype is from 1 to 6. We also could make bigger bricks and in the future, bricks for the braille alphabet.


We used pinterest and instructables for references. We were also guided by Ms. Cielo from the maker lab!


Your project of creating 3-D printed braille bricks for blind kids is truly inspiring and impactful. By addressing the lack of inclusive toys, you have demonstrated remarkable empathy and innovation. The use of a 3-D printer to make these braille bricks shows your impressive technical skills and your commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of visually impaired children. Excellent work, and I encourage you to continue developing inclusive solutions that promote accessibility and inclusion!