in my science project i compared a cheap and a expensive product to test and to compare the two solutions and the conclusion that we came was that each one is better in their own things


i did this project to help pepole decide and for pepole to see which one is better when buying these types of products


i used a two maniquin legs and i placed the cheap product in one and the expensive product in the other mainquin leg and later i tested it by hitting it with hard stuff like hammers and also by scratching it with rough surfaces


first i thought that the expensive one was going to be better in everithing but then i discovered that each product has its good things and its bad things.


i learned that expensive products are not always the best and that cheap products are good in other things like they are more affordable and the best of all they are more accessible


i can improve this project by testing it with not only a maniquin leg but with a type of bendable thing to see if the result of the test change


i got the idea from this project from me having a injurie while playing football and i dont want this to happen to other pepole


I think that this is a very useful project that could benefit many people, especially those that like to play sports.  So the motivation that you have for doing this project is fantastic.  I'm curious as to what the results of the project look like.  Is there a distinct difference between the mannequins after this test was done and to what degree were they hit to test their durability?  The results of this project could be very helpful to many and it's great that you learned that price doesn't always make things better.