Our project was a monopoly game that was based in the movies and series of books The Hunger Games, in the game you could choose your player, with more or less power, and you will try to gain or lose advantages through the several challenges and quests. In this game you will be able to dive into the Dystopian world of Panem. 


We chose this project because it was the final project for last semester as well as we thought it would be a fun way to explain and explore the role of several characters, their archetypes, and the dystopian world they live in. 


 We created or project by first sketching and coming with a mutual idea of what we wanted, then we started to develop the questions and challenges, later we created the rules and roles of each character, and finally we created the board prototype as well as the player cards and the questions and challenges for each box of the board. 


Our results turned out really well, we found out that people that tested and played our game actually liked it and learned more about the Hunger Games. 


The results we were given are important because they helped us to correct our mistakes and to see what we can do better for next time and what other things we need to keep doing. 


Something that we could have done to extend this project if we had time was creating a more into detail final piece because we were short of time and we couldn't put as much effort as wanted. 


My partner VM was the one that supported me through the creation of this process as well as my Social Studies and Language Arts teacher who helped us to develop the character traits as well as the development of the game. For the board game we got inspiration from projects of previous years as well as looking for inspiration online. 


I've never watched The Hunger Games but I'd love to play this game, It looks so fun! The colors gives it a creative look and the themed cards with the movie's characters really brings the idea together. I also like the names you put on each card, it really it apart from the original Monopoly and makes it way more unique. Adding a drawing in the center of the board and creating a custom dice would make it perfect!