What i did was a catapult that took lot of effort because i had to do it in multiply classes. And i think in turned out very nice and good and it would be very intresting to explain how we made it.


I did this project just because the teacher asked for it but i then find it fun and intresting to build it. And at the end i had lot of fun making it.


I created this by hard work and it was not easy i needed multiply classes to finish this. I started my organizing everything and grabing the materials then i started to work.


So i think i did a pretty amazing job and that the effort was valuable because i could make a sucsesfull catapult. That could be able to throw things far away.


I think our results are very importnat because it shows how much work me took to make this. And at the end it was very valuable.


I think that something i could do is maybe reinforce with tape. And also to put a harder stick because i think in can break easily.


I got my ideas from photos in google which helped to create my catapult.


Well done using the foundations of engineering design in action. Bear in mind that it is always helpful to keep track of the process as well as focusing on how practical any item could be for real life purposes. Good job and keep up the good work.Â