The question was that if I could build a mini bridge with popsicle sticks. The solution that came was the I could build a popsicle stick bridge but the cons was that it takes a lot of time and patience. Now that I finished this project I learned more about patience and creativity. 


I did this project because I wanted to know if I could do a popsicle stick bridge with 15 popsicles sticks. Another problem that was more a inner problem was finding more patience in me because I was very inpatient.  


The develop to my project was that I first started looking at videos in youtube about making a popsicle sticks bridge and there I started doing it little by little. First I started with a mini sketch to have everything in mind. Than I started doing the popsicle stick bridge. 


The result is that this project is possible and I found out that not everything is impossible. 


The results from building a popsicle stick bridge are important for understanding structural engineering and materials science. Analyzing the bridge's performance under load helps draw conclusions about design effectiveness and material strength. Personally, I learned about the interplay between creativity and engineering principles in constructing stable structures.


I could extend my project by making my bridge longer. I could have done it differently by using my time better. I could add more steps so it will be better. 


The information and ideas I got was from youtube and my friends because everyone was doing and it was fun at the same time. The ones that supported me were my friends like A, G, S, and F. 


I think that this is a great basic project that shows some important themes in engineering, materials, design and problem-solving. I particularly appreciate the connection to your own personal development of patience, which is so important when working on larger projects. I look foward to seeing where this takes you in the future!