The Judges Committee has awarded this submission ENVIRONMENTAL VISIONARY AWARD 


The question that I had my project was how could I represent in a model a sustainable neighborhood that included a dedicated area for plant growth, recycling bines, and bike lanes. 


I did this project because in social studies we were leaning about recycling. The question that I was trying to answer was how can I creat a model that represents a sustainable neighborhood. 


The way I created this project was with recycling materials and the hep of my mom. I created  this project also with a hot glue gun and with many different things. 


My result was a beautiful model. I found out that it is really easy to creat a sustainable neighborhood. The way my prototype work is by looking and understanding what it is showing.  


My results are important because I discover how all neighborhoods should look like. The conclusions that I can draw for my results are that we as a country are very far from having subtables neighborhoods. 


I think that the thing that could have improve my project was to make it a little bit biger and make it more colorful. 


The way I got my ideas were from my mom that help me creat my project and gave me lots of unique ideas. 


Your project on creating a model of a sustainable neighborhood is impressive and demonstrates a strong understanding of important environmental concepts. Using recycled materials and involving your mom in the process highlights creativity and collaboration. The inclusion of plant growth areas, recycling bins, and bike lanes in your model effectively represents a sustainable community. To enhance your project, consider making it larger and more colorful to capture even more attention and detail.