Our problem (or question if you will) was how do we make a Table top role-playing game that can correctly portray and influence our cause (How the world would look like in a dystopian future with war and destruction. Humanity is slowly going towards that, And If we influence enough people it might slow down the inevitable for at least a bit.


We built the project as a social studies assignment, however, it was mainly a play on what the future will look like if humanity does not change our ways. Simon, Andres, and I played off this concept of making a future where there was no future.


We created our project in easy, but complex steps using, of course, the TTRPG was finished easily. We made it using our combined knowledge of RPG games and futuristic games and weapons.  


With our RPG, the prototype worked fairly well. I was sick for presentation day, But I heard it ran smoothly.


I learnt that many people enjoyed the Table Top Role Playing Game, and that it was a very big success on our part. We had little to no negative feedback, and it was enjoyed greatly by the focus group. 


Next, I say we can Improve our TTRPG by adding more game-play and weaponry. It is also possible to add more scenarios and character choices. Other than that, I think that we could make another TTRPG.


All of our ideas came from within. I would like to thank AR for his vast knowledge of weaponry and scenarios and as well SL for his Ideas and contributions on a large scale.


This project is really interesting because it includes several aspects of STEAM project and learning, but it seems like your goal is bigger than that - to inspire change in the world. That is admirable! And I think you can achieve it. I look forward to seeing more iterations of your game and how your experiences in the world continue to grow and develop as well.