I did this project with 4 people total (counting me) and we made a soccer fiel in Brazil recreating the Favela. At first we wanted to make a house but later changed our minds.


Because it was very fun working together as a group. The questions we were trying to answer were simple things, we were simply just measuring and tried to know the exact measure so that they glue good. The problems we solved were to get it all stuck together without the pieces falling.


We created our project by seeing pictures and creative ideas from google, we made sketches and took picture, we also saw videos on how to make the project. It was difficult trying to agree with that many people on the group so we had a lot of options, finally we all agreed on making “La Favela” from Brazil.


We first found cardboard and measured it, then on day 2 we armed the pieces together and on day 3 we glued it and decorated it. Our results where really good and turned out amazing!


In conclusion our results turned our really good and even better than expected, at first I thought we wouldn’t be able to even finish it since we started late because we switched ideas from a house to the Favela, and also I got sick for a lot of time. We finally finished!


We could have added better images and better decorations, maybe we could’ve even made the field bigger and added little fences like the ones the Favela has in real life.


At first we got the house idea from google but then when we changed to the Favela it was all our idea because we got inspired by a really pretty football field we saw, since a lot of people were doing fields we decided to make a field but added our unique touch which was the Favela. 


Well done recreating a stadium, especially when it comes to include some cultural components such as building at the favelas. It is always a good practice to keep the work neat and presentable so it appeals to the audience eyes. Good job!