I did a cool bow and arrow made out paperclips and the arrow also made from paper clips. And it shoots really far like 20 meters.


I wanted to do this project to protect myself from animals in the chaco. I also made this so I could scare away my sister so she does not come to my room.


I made this by cutting and bending paper clips I got this idea by watching a video in youtube.  Also I did this working really hard working and we spent 2 hours of my life building this.


The results were incredible the metal arrow traveled really far and really fast. Also we used stadistics because we measured a metal variation and wood variation and metal traveled faster.


They mean that the metal variation was harder to make but it traveled further and faster. A conclusion we drew from my results are that metal is better than wood in every way.


We can exted my project by projecting wich of the variations are more accurate. And we can exted the project by addingmaybe feathers to the arrows.


We got this idea by watching a youtube video. After I got all motivated and after a oso hormiguero started atacking me so I had to protect myself


There's an authenticity in this project that is adorable. You are exploring traditional weapons for protection and making miniature versions of them using household supplies. I encourage you to consider how compound and componsite bows are made and see about increasing the size of your bow in the next design.