In this project I will be talking about a rc car that was build with other scraps of left over rc cars and some controls that we found in steam. this car can get up to 100rpm ( 100 rotation per secnd) this was one of my bigest proyectos ever.


i will like to bring this proyect because it is very inovative and big it took me 3 days to build. this car with my friend at the end it did work. This car was a relly cool car and me and my group relly liked it.


this proyect we build with some scraps it took us 7 days and it was very hard. this was a very good proyects we used some old parts form that car like the fan and the acelerator. 


some results we had was that at first we had a problom with the steering and the car whent strat into the wall that made almost evey thi g to break but in one day we got to fix. then it finally work and we could use it at the end we made a ramp and made it jup and all of it broke.


so my conclucion is that we can build thigs that look imposible to other but it is all bosible with just trying. my conclucion is that it was very fun to build it and distroyng it was more fun but later on we wanted to buidl it again but whi forgot about it.


we could exted this proyect by adding some suspencion to the car but it is a trak car so it dident rely need it so i conclud that the suspencion wasent necesary we could add some newer parts insed of the old ones.


we got this ideas from a video so i will tell you you to build a rc. car the expirinc is incredible i got this idea form a youtuber namde Kevin Talbot.


Despite the initial hiccups with the steering, you managed to overcome them and finally get the car running. Demonstrate your ability to thing outside the box and use available resources creatively. You could investigate ways to reinforce the structure and improve control systems to prevent future accidents.